I’ve tried it in the past. The reality is, snoozing email until the day I need it, etc, is so big a part of my workflow now I can’t really work without it. So unfortunately MailMate is still out.
Thanks for the suggestion though!
I’ve tried it in the past. The reality is, snoozing email until the day I need it, etc, is so big a part of my workflow now I can’t really work without it. So unfortunately MailMate is still out.
Thanks for the suggestion though!
@SanityBox What is “Snoozing email”?
@mitchellm First introduced by either Mailbox or Sparrow, it’s the ability to make your email disappear from your inbox until a chosen time. For example I teach seminars, so I’ll snooze an email about parking and arrival directions until the morning of the event. Or if I have an email that requires more focus than I have for at the present moment, I’ll snooze it until after lunch when I know I can sit down and figure it all out.
Also great for procrastinating. :)
@SanityBox Got it. I can see how that would be helpful in some cases. I tend to do all my email first thing in the morning. I quickly put the emails into relevant folders (today, this week, specific courses, and so on). I have shortcuts for the various smart folders (either using flags or tags or both in some cases). That works well for me. But it may not be the best fit for you.
You can designate synchronization schedules. But the options are only 5, 10, 15, 30 minutes. Or manually.
Things I really need to do (i.e really truly important) get shortcut-sent to my “to do” app (in this case OmniFocus), but MailMate also supports 2Do, BusyCal, Cal, Fantastical, Reminders, Things, Todoist. Again, maybe not close enough for you: but very efficient ways to deal with key emails for me.
@mitchellm Yeah, back when I ran a several million dollars a year business, I used MailTags along with another plugin in OS Mail, and that was great. Mix it with AppleScript, and then later automator, I was able to do a lot of fantastic stuff to stay on top of what was at least 100 emails a day.
But now, since most of my email is more wrapped up in either particular projects (everything gets sent to Agenda which auto updates Fantastical), or particular dates, Snoozing mixed with the concept of Inbox zero has become so integral to my time management that I haven’t been able to find an alternative method that is as efficient. I only deal with maybe two dozen emails a day, and only a small fraction are actionable right away. Snoozing is just too important for my workflow. :(
And while I don’t need Markdown, I really do like having it. Which at the moment, means Airmail is my only option. Which annoys the hell out of me, because of how they handled this nonsense.
I’m curious if you’ll do what I’m considering… which is just sucking it up and dealing with no notifications on my iOS devices. You can always program in VIP notifications via iOS Mail.
@SanityBox Got it. I receive over 100 a day. Most can be deleted right away. Others sent to OmniFocus. And some I deal with in-the-moment. My email session is typically from 4 a.m. to 5 a.m. (or later) each morning. It’s very relaxing knowing I do not need to respond to any emails for the rest of the day. Nor even check them. (Except for emergencies: but those happen about 4 times a year.)
I LOVE inbox zero. Changing how I handle email has made a ton of difference. But, of course, you need the right tool that fits you and your workflow.
Too bad re: Airmail. It’s always hard when something so essential to your daily life changes.
100 a day- most of which can be deleted, @mitchellm? Are you using SpamSieve? If not, I highly recommend it. I receive a ton of spam, but virtually none of it ends up in my inbox. SpamSieve is desktop only, not iOS.
MailMate, by the way, looks like it will work perfectly for me if AirMail ever goes subscription on the Mac. For now, they’ve only changed iOS. I also use and (I almost hate to admit it) LOVE Outlook on both platforms. But, I use it with my 9-5 job (Exchange Server) and don’t want to mix my full time job emails with my side business and personal emails.
@dave Ha, I get very little spam. MailMate integrates with SpamSieve beautifully! I also get some emails that I sometimes want to read (they are from known addresses) so those go automatically to my “Maybe” folder.
But in terms of real spam: nada.
I love Outlook on iOS. It feels (to me) unchanged since 2004 on the Mac.
Outlook on my Mac and on my phone work 100% seamlessly with my Windows coworkers. In the days of old that wasn’t the case. With Office 365, it’s awesome.
@Dave But there’s no snoozing on the desktop apps, correct? Or have I just missed it?
Nope- no snoozing. I, like Mathew, have a system in place using folders. It works very well for me. Especially since it synced with Outlook’s meetings, contacts, etc.
I find it very weird that lack of parity between the iOS and desktop. But then again, it’s Microsoft. I doubt the iOS team and the desktop team have ever crossed paths.