AMP - Accelerated Mobile Pages

Hello Any one developing something with the AMP framework?

Kind Regards

Hi, Kent,

Before you go that path, you may find this article interesting.

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Hi fapkogi

Thank you, yes that was interesting. I recently made two different websites with “Source” and they are very fast, like in really fast, and still the audit tool in Google Chrome rates the performance to be 74% only, I find that strange, because they are almost instantly ready on both smartphone and desktop in real life. The performance is closer to like 100% in my opinion. I never had any webpage load that fast before.

Kind Regards

I think that will not be possible with RapidWeaver at the moment. AMP needs a special code and at the moment I see no option to implement it into RapidWeaver. AMP pages are based on a special code, and in the end you have to do without all the nice, mostly JavaScript-based things you’re used to from RW. AMP based webpages need to be created by either a system/app supporting AMP or you have to do it manually. Or maybe someone develops a special theme based on AMP

I think, there might be an advantage for a big newspaper webpage but not for projects normally realised with RapidWeaver. Or am I wrong?


Absolutely. This is what counts in real life. However the biggest noticable improvement is in RW Edit mode.

Yes, its just an algorithm which can never be perfect. If you look at this page using LightHouse it will rate at 99 (or 98 when using https).

The page contains every stack update I did for nearly 2 years (all on one page) and I have not minified the CSS. It does load fast but I have not done anything that I should have done with it except play to what the algorithm is looking for.

Summary - take it all with a pinch of salt. If the page is fast for a user then don’t worry.

At the moment you are certainly right.
AMP may or may not really catch on depending on how much google cripple the search engine and penalise but its been a while now and people really don’t want to use it. It is a power grab by Google in the opinion of most people.

Thank You
Certainly interesting reading, my goodness, the title says it all :-)

Kind Regards
