Axyn WP stack

Hejsan On the webhotel I am working on right now, when installing WP, it gets installed in a subdomain, and I cannot get the stack to show the page I want to. I think there is missing an option to put either the URL of the WP page or the slug. I got it to work with the other WP stack I have, which have the option to enter the entire URL.

Kind Regards

Hi @Kent,

The WP stack (at this time) does not support installation on a subdomain. It must be installed at the same site as your RW files. Please check the WP Embed product information page for more detailed information, including some url examples.



Hejsan Ricardo

OK so I installed it in a subfolder and I got it to show the page. I am not at all familiar with WP, but I was able to create a page and named its slug “blog”. But it does not show the whole page, it makes it scrollable to see the whole page. Also when I am logged in, it shows the logged in page, and when I logout it shows the login screen:

By the way i am using the Bloksy theme and I disabled the header and footer.

OK sorry when I used another browser without being logged in, it actually show the page, but it still does not adjust the content to the page. I still need to scroll down inside the content area of the RW page

So I got everything working except for the responsive part. I am using Source. Should I try with another theme?

I tried another theme that also was not the problem. So I am stuck :-)

Hi @Kent,

I just found that somehow the uploaded version to Paddle had a corruption. If you could re-download from your Paddle account. And let me know. I will push it also as an update later today.

Let me know if that solves it, my apologies for the mishap.



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Ok I will try to do that and let you know. And no worries, I am just experimenting for a solution for an news page. I have 3 solutions now and each one has its own merits.

Wow it works beautifully, thank you :-) It goes sublimely into my layout and look fabulous

Great to hear!!!
You can also, display entire blogs without having to create pages. And also display all blogs from a particular category.



Yes am navigating in the unknown waters called WordPress, my goodness that is a turbulent sea :-) I am happy I am a Rapidweaver user

I just pushed v1.0.1 so that everyone that purchased the stack will have the correction.

Thanks @Kent for bringing it to my attention.



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You are most welcome and thank you for taking time on a Saturday to correct it. By the way, If I do not use a slug, it automatically shows me all the blog entries, as long as I have not assigned them to a page. I tried to assign them to a page, and they showed nicely, but that page also showed up and I do not need that, so I think I will stick to the basic settings in WP for the page I am using. Then on other pages I can use it as a CMS for those pages, if the customer prefer this. I myself is much in favor of Jannis Poster 2 because of the integration with rapidweaver, but there may be an issue with the editing via Markdown. Anyway, this WP way is also a really easy, nice and cheap way to have a kind of CMS. I can highly recommend it as I have seen it today. The integration is seamless for the end wiever of the page.

Thanks for all the feedback.

The blog category way is really handy and easy to use. No need to create a page with shortcodes, if you just want to display posts from the same category.

Also, if you have the time, I would really appreciate a review or like on the site.

Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Kind regards,


When you have something ready let me know. I’d love to see it!

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Not using the slug will go to the home of Wordpress site. It can go to a page or all blogs, which is a Wordpress setting.

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Yes when I am finished I will send you the link. And I wrote a nice review for your stack :-)

Thanks Kent! I really appreciate it. I look forward to seeing your site using the stacks.

Have a great weekend!



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@Ricardo This may be a dumb question … but I’m thinking about purchasing your stack and want to be sure about a few things. I’m already familiar with Blocksy. So that part of the equation for setting things up will be just fine.

I know I can import single posts and single pages. Does all of this also work for custom post types (CPTs)? There are some nice podcasting plugins for WP that work via CPT.

In addition will your stack bring in a category page? I do like how Blocksy makes it easy to set up customized category pages and would like to take advantage of that.

Nice work on this! The stack could be a huge benefit to some: easily allowing for multiple authors via WP.