Can I get someone to check site for me on mobile, preferably on a Samsung device? The client is telling me that they have an issue with the site and that the videos are not playing on his phone. We’ve checked it over and republished the site and can find no issue. I appreciate the help.
Voice overs working. On first click it does look like the videos don’t work. A lightbox opens, but no videos are in view. Too see them though you have to scroll up, then they come into view and they play fine.
Looking at Inspector for the lightbox container, you have this code… {
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
width: 315px;
height: 8033px;
display: block;
opacity: 0.95;
z-index: 9998;
background-color: rgb(128, 128, 128);
Not sure why, or what is setting the height to 8033px, but my guess is that’s your problem.
Other people who are smarter than me will perhaps help more, but I think the height is being set by javascript, and it’s adopting the height of the entire page.
You have 21 erros on the page, all seeming to relate to Youtube, and all reference widgetapi-js and the RW resources folder. So, my guess is the problem is with the stack you’re using to display the You Tube videos.
The first thing I’d try is replacing this stack, or just sticking this stack on a blank page inside a container with loads of top and bottom padding and margin (so as to make the page quite long). Then see if this page has the same problem. If it does, this stack is most likely the problem, if not, something else on the page is breaking it.
I’m not very good at this stuff though, so that might be bollox, so get more advice!
Thank you. I had them in an Expose stack. I went ahead and removed the stack. I appreciate the help.
Did it fix it?
If you have a few videos to display and want it done is a pretty modern way, @joeworkman has an excellent stack for that: Videowall. As stacks go it would be considered expensive but it’s worth it.
Amongst other things, If works off of YouTube playlists: You or the client setup a playlist, you give the playlist code to the stack, it then displays the videos in the playlist is a really modern way.
Clients can then maintain their own “video wall” by adding or removing videos to/from the playlist.
I actually bought it for a project that never happened, then showed it to anther prospective client, who loved it and signed me up for their new site immediately!
I like it and I just bought it for the project. Thank you.