Anyone got a quick and dirty way to have a list of the contained folders appear on the page as clickable links when you land in a folder on the server?
To explain…
Say I have a folder “dev” that contains the folders “dev1”, “dev2” and “dev3” when I navigate to the folder “dev” all I want to see is a simple list of those folders as links.
Don’t need to style it, html on a page will be fine. Found some php scripts, but none seem to work.
I only want to add the page via RW so I can use Pagesafe.
S4S’s Paperless is good, I’m using it here multiple times to display the contents of multiple folders that are populated via Repository (I so want to type an S and not an R every time I write that word … Sorry Jannis)
Both Paperless and Repository’s Download stack will do this. There are slight differences in look/feel of final presentation. That’s up to you which better suits your needs.
But in these cases they provide you with a list/table/grid of files wthin a folder, not sub-folders (as far as I know).