I am using the Flexbox Columns and the Poster Folder stack. Looking great, but it would be nice to have the body copy on the List view smaller. It is just fine on the details page. I was wondering if there was some way to do this.
From inStacks Software | Poster Stack - Blog and Multi-Purpose Content Stack
If you want to use a summary content to be displayed in list view,
will seperate between Summary and Main content. The text above the read_more tag will be displayed in list and detail view, the content below the read_more tag only in detail view.
I can’t see on that page where it says how to make the list view body copy smaller Jannis, and there doesn’t seem to be anywhere in the settings.
It doesn’t look so bad being the same size as the detail body copy on the normal RW Blog style, but once you move to the Flexbox Columns it just looks way too big as the default body style, hence me wanting to make it much smaller.
What do you understand there in detail? Font size? What’s body copy?
Sorry. I’m not explaining myself too well :-) This bit Jannis:
And what do you want to have smaller? the font size?
Yes. If that is possible.
Yeah there is a CSS therefore. Not at my Mac right now.
Should be like
.poster-list-item .blog-entry-body {
font-size: 12px;
I tried
.poster-list-item .blog-entry-body {
font-size: 12px;
but it didn’t seem to make any difference. Changed it to 8px figuring it would really show up (just to test it), but it was just the same.
Here’s what it looks like now. I think it is really coming together thanks to the brilliant Poster Stack (and the Poster Folder stack too). I just reckon it would look a lot cleaner if those blog description, i.e. the bit under the blog title, was quite a bit smaller and the line spacing tighter. It is a shame there isn’t a setting in the stack, but I totally get that there can’t be settings for everything Jannis :-)
.poster-list-item .blog-entry-body {
font-size: 12px !important;