I’m trying to re-create a jump to top button that pops up on the page after a certain amount of scrolling, just like this foundry one I made: https://reesandcompany.co.uk/dev/Proud_Space_nerds/
scroll down and you’ll see it pop up bottom right.
I’m thinking some kind of Scrollspy and a tiny modal?? I know how to scroll to the top (#) no probs, I just need to implement a ‘pop-up-after-one-viewport-depth’ button…
Perhaps you’ve already done something like this @steveb ?
Joe Workman’s elevator stack can do this, I think it is for free (notsure)
You can add your own sprite png and you can set when it appears = reveal ( in pixels from the top), even the scroll speed is adjustable
I haven’t looked at doing that with the native UIkit stacks yet. I have implemented a scroll to top button on a few sites, but the up arrow is always visible.
Explain what the purpose of the popup is, as in, what content do you want in it, and I’ll have a think about a solution.
Hi Steve. It’s literally a scroll to top that only appears after you’ve scrolled down a page. However I think Capetom has found a solution for me with ‘Elevator’.
I was just interested to see if UIKit could be made to open a modal (the button) only after scrolling down a certain amount.
Gotcha. I made a sticky bottom scroll to top button for UIkit (uses a regular botton in scrolltop mode with some custom css to stick it to the bottom in the correct place) but it’s present on the page all the time. I’m not a fan of the ones that popup. So yes, a third party solution would be best if that’s what you want as I don’t think that functionality exists in the native stacks.
Hi Ricardo, @Ricardo. I’d be interested to see your solution. I think I’ve worked out how to do it also but haven’t had time to try my idea so help and inspiration always welcome. thanks
Here is the link to the way I implemented a scroll to top button. It only shows up after scrolling down some, and it disappears when you are back to the top.
For me that button is always there, even if I add a long content area so its further down the page, it is always visible, even if I make my browser window very shallow. I’m not getting any fade out/back in on scroll behaviour?
Can you explain just HOW your scroll-to-top is working? I’ve been wracking my brains trying to see the logic behind it but I cannot… For example why does it need a section? … and how did you know to try this? I can’t find any documentation on the sticky that would lead me to adding a section to make it work…
It’s a super clever little thing but its driving me nuts trying to figure it out .
Use a button which you can position to the right, centre etc. It doesn’t need to be in a section, I’ve just tested it. You could put the button in another stack to help with positioning etc.
In the button you can select “Integration>Totop”. You can also delete the button text so that just the arrow up icon appears.
Thanks @Neil but I’ve got this working fine, I just wondered how Rodrigo achieved it, not the positioning, but the fact that the fade only works if there’s a ‘section’ stack on the page.
No Probs… Every little helps as Tesco says… Until you mentioned it I hadn’t realised that the button had a ‘Totop’ integration, so you helped me learn something new so thanks for that… :-)
Not sure how “Rodrigo” got this to work, but I can tell you how I did it, lol 😉
Actually the button is always there, but it’s z-index is lower than the section before it sticks. In which case the section color is covering it. If you make the section transparent, the button always shows.
I don’t use the ‘To-Top’ integration, as it’s not needed and you are stuck with the same chevron icon all the time. Without integrating ‘To-Top’ it gives you more flexibility.