On load, a LImelight lightbox will open with a map in it. I’ve set it to load on open so you can see it.
Now close the lightbox and you’ll see an instance of @Jannis Openstreet Map with the various Spanish Costas as pins. At the moment, if you click a pin then click the name of the pop you get taken to a Google Map of that Costa. I want that title link to open the Limelight map.
My initial thought was that should work, so I tried it and it works fine for me in a Source page. I.e. a link to a Lightbox map using your Link settings and same Limelight setup from what I can see.
So strip the page content back and find what’s wrong.
Gary is right, his method works, but not with the link inside Openstreet Map stack.
I’ve updated the page, the map link for Azahar uses Garys class method, it don’t work. Below the map are two text links, the first uses a Limelight Launcher, and works. The 2nd text link uses Garys method, and also works. But this method won’t work in the OSM stack link box.