Poster 1 or 2, SiteMap Plus and Rapidsearch Live

Yes, get on with it.

In the meantime, a tool to add Poster sitemaps to the main sitemap would be great. :-)

Regards SEO helper, I’ve been taking that one thru with someone who has it, and I don’t think that can do what I want. It seems to be able to make a sitemap or sitemaps. So, to use the term @pmjd used, a sitemap index. But it doesn’t seem to be able to take the contents of two sitemaps and merge them into one single sitemap.xml file.

Unless @Fuellemann can say otherwise? Or of course, @joeworkman can confirm?

Yes it’s not straightforward, you can only get RSL to look at a single sitemap, not multiple and not an index.

There’s a few hours left before the weekend, sure you could manage it ;)

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It’s interesting that you say Pro can handle more than one sitemap. I have it working on another page, although moved to Live after reading the support page for it. But, for me, it was working.

I’ve just looked at it, but can’t see how to add sitemaps! Got any pointers?

EDIT: Ha! Just tried to log in to the admin and it’s refusing to load, sending me instead to the 404 page. I guess that’s what’s meant by not working!

EDIT: @pmjd Just managed to get logged in to Pro… Yes, really nice being able to add more than one sitemap. Wonder why that feature wasn’t added to Live?

OK, so for anyone reading this and interested in doing the same as I’ve done, here are the details.

Aim: Include Poster items in a local site search powered by Rapidsearch Live.

  1. Add a HTML page to your project, name the folder something like rslmap and name the file sitemap.xml.
  2. Open the main site sitemap, copy all the contents and paste it into the HTML page created in step 1.
  3. Do the same for any Poster sitemaps you have in the site than you want to make searchable. When adding to the content you’ve already pasted into the HTML page created in step 1 only paste all the content between and including the first <url> and last </url>. Ensure <urlset> is still at the very end.
  4. On the page you’ve added the Rapidsearch Live stack to add the full URL for the page created in step 1. So that’s
    4.5 (Optional). In every Poster Item you have add some content to the "description box in settings. This populates the search result for this item with some text.
  5. Publish.

Now go to the search page and rebuild the RSL database. Your Poster items are now fully searchable in your local search.

To give you an example…

I’ve a Poster stack here: for my client portfolio. I’ve edited all items in this instance of Poster to make the item title “Client Portfolio: Client Name” and added some blurb to the Description in settings.

Go here and search for “portfolio”. Not only will the main portfolio page appear in results but all the Poster items too.

Hope this helps someone.

@Jannis get your finger out with a proper solution ;-)

EDIT: By the way: You don’t have to create the new “manual” sitemap in RW, you can just make a regular file and upload it via FTP, I just found having it all within RW made things a bit easier.


SEO Helper’s Sitemap Index is basically a sitemap or sitemap files. It allows you to submit one single sitemap to Google. Google will read in that index and import all referenced sitemap files as well.

Ya, thought that. It’s a sitemap of sitemaps, not what I need. Thanks for clearing that up.