For sure. If you can convert the project to 8.0.3, or even fire up some screen shots, I could begin to try to work out how to set it up. As it is, at the moment, I’m driving blind, and crashing.
@mitchellm after the epic session the other weekend I’m off the juice for a while, need to give the liver time to repair! I’ll fall off the wagon when I land in Spain next week :-)
OK, I’m in business. I added 8.0.3 and 8.1.4 to another mac, and coped the stacks over from the demo project. It’s now opening in 8.0.3. What a fucking flaff!
If anyone else needs the demo in 8.0.3 let me know and I’ll share it.
Had a good play with it now, it’s nice. It’s got a couple of handy features…
You can add content that is only visible to admins once logged in. This is handy, to display links to “how-to” videos/instructions.
If there is editable content on two pages, and both pages has an admin/login stack with the same credentials, you only need to log in on one page and stay logged in when you visit the other.
There is a setting to add content that isn’t editable. I’m not really sure why this is: If you don’t want content editable, don’t add it to a Quick Edit stack! Maybe it’s reason to exist though will become clear as I play more.
The UI is really nice and very modern, but I can see instances where a more “traditional” edit interface would be better, Sentry has a “classic” edit interface, so I can see instances where it woud be more appropriate.
Over all though, other than a few glitches when editing, it’s a nice stack and worth the £17 price you can get it for at the moment using the discount code.
Just wish the bloody devs had thought to make the demo in v7 or v8.0.x, would have saved me a very frustrating first hour with the stack.
@steveb regarding Sentry — it’s a great little CMS as long as it works, but it’s based on very old code and an update would require a complete re-write which, if I understood him correctly, Will has no intentions of doing (especially since he has the WebYep stacks in his programme).
Here is the demo in 8.0.3 flavour for anyone else needing it.
I’ve been working on a new template this morning that is to have editable sections, so I’ve added in QE, couple more observations…
There is a setting in the edit stack to have content not show on the page when in edit mode, I couldn’t really work out why this existed, now I do, at least I think I do: When you go into edit mode you have have non-editable content not appear, this is handy as it focuses the person doing the editing to only look at the editable stuff, and stops them trying to edit non-editable content. Senty handles this differently: Instead of a single floating edit box as per QE, Sentry places each piece of editable content inside it’s own edit box, so it’s really easy to see what can and can’t be edited. Each box also has it’s own “save” button, so you must save each edit box content separately.
I don’t think one method is any better than the other, they’re just different. The Sentry approach I think will work better for those with very low skill levels, but it’s not better, just different. On the other hand, it can be handy to remove all non-editable content from the page, as I say, just a different approach.
For me at least, image uploading doesn’t work in QE. It gets to about 90%, then sits. Sentry uploads fine, so I don’t think that’s a server issue.
Generally speaking though, QE is nice. I can’t help but think it’s been rushed out, as there are no docs/tutorials/mentions of it on the 1LD site, common sense says get these in place before you release something, so I suspect there will be an update pretty soon to clear up the niggles.
EDIT: Just tested on mobile, even on a small 5in screen it all works fine and is easy enough to edit content.
As a general comment, this is a trend that happens more and more. This is not direct towards 1Ld or anyone in particular, but I have noticed that complex stacks are released and then forgotten about as the next stack gets released with an instant wow factor, but basic stuff is missing.
CMS solutions need pretty good comprehensive information to convince a potential buyer to go ahead and click the buy button. Also CMS demos that don’t allow a Save are not that useful and still leave many buying questions unanswered. GoCMS suffered from this even though there is a demo version (with no Save).
For example, what happens when a user pastes 5000 words copied from a Word document into a header CMS area and then the user decides to set it to H1 and add a YouTube video? Will it mess the layout up? So many questions remain unanswered.
Also why do so many CMS solutions give users every option under the sun to mess up the page content. Every CMS should have at least an option for a plain text converter, character limit and absolutely nothing else that the end user can stab away at and screw up. In this respect, QuickEditor appears (I can’t tell from the documentation) to offer users a huge array of nicely displayed stuff to stab at and mess things up.
@steveb Thanks for the hands on feedback. Can you list text entry length and stop styled text being entered? Hide all styling, links, video, etc except for “p”?
I’m now busy today, but tonight I’m happy enough to fire up a demo page and make the logins available vis this forum. Then so long as those wanting to try it out take turns (you can all work that one out yourselves) you can all try it out.
I suggest anyone wanting to have a go post here, if I know you (and trust you not to post porn, well, shite porn anyway) I’ll PM you the log-ins. If I don’t know you I’ll say, then someone I do know can vouch for you as having good taste in porn.
@steveb Thanks for posting your ongoing observerations. This helps a lot. I can see how it might be a useful stack for a project that I will soon being work on.
… definitely disappointing 1LD did not really complete the cyle by providing documentation et al. That makes me very hesitant (at least to jump in right away).