So you want to add a link, or even a button to your page that says “Contact Me”. Well, that’s easy enough, just add the URL and you’re good to go. And guaranteed – from the second day onward that your site is online, you’ll be spammed! Don’t want spam? You’ll need to obfuscate your mail address by going to one of the online services, adding your contact details and your link text. Then you’ll be safe! But what if you want a “Call Me”, or a Skype Me" button? Do you really want to be pestered every twenty minutes?
Enter TouchBase from Stacks4Stacks. TouchBase can mask Facetime, MailTo, Skype, Telephone or VoIP details with ease and can even add a subject line and header text to your email, or automatically launch a chat, or a video connection. You no longer need to trawl the internet for obfuscation sites; a few keystrokes and you’re done!
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