Video on mobile

Can anyone with both an android and ios mobile device check this link and let me know if you see the top AND bottom videos?

I have one video that is hosted elsewhere (the top one) and one that is hosted with my provider. I can get the top one to work on mobile but I can’t get the bottom to load. All other settings are identical but the support person with my hosting is telling me that both are working fine (he’s on android, I’m on iOS)

Android here and both working. My iPhone is in the office, I’m not, but will be in the morning so can check for you then.

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It’s just the top one I see on iOS (iPhone Xr)

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Android: both videos
iOS: only the top video
macOS: both vidoes

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Thanks all.

Any clue on the iOS issue then? The video that won’t play doesn’t have audio (and it’s muted in the stack settings as well). It’s not especially large (and smaller than the one that does play).

It doesn’t appear to be an issue with the video file, either. If I put the bunny video (i.e. the working video) onto the same server, it disappears.
I’ve also tried a sub-domain instead of the folder path. Nothing gives…