Thank you for your responses, I think I should have been more clear in my initial post. The site has been created with nothing else but RW V8.3, Stacks V4.02, and Source V1.08 (Image V1.03, Container + V1.04). No manual ‘warehousing’, FTP-uploading, etc. - just the functionality provided ‘out of the box’
The image was simply added to the RW resources, and the right-click URL indeed shows ‘’ - as expected. The RW upload also places the image to this location - I checked the server to confirm it. Within the RW project, I used the ‘Container Plus’ stack to add the image as ‘warehouse’ image background, AND I also used the ‘Image’ stack below to add the same image (from the RW resources) as 70% display.
Please note, that the background image in the ‘Container Plus’ stack does NOT show in the edit/ preview, nor in the published page, whereas the ‘image’ stack shows the linked image just fine (everywhere). Hence, even within the ‘Source’ environment the ‘Container+’ stack and the ‘Image’ stack behave differently.
The published page reveals via the error messages, that the ‘Container Plus’ stack is creating the wrong links to the RW resources. They are located at the root ‘…/resources/…’, but the the created link is either ‘…/files/resources/…’ (in case of the first page), or towards ‘…/page/resources/…’ (in the case of the second page). Since the ‘Image’ stack creates the proper link, it seems that this is less a problem of RW, or Stacks4, but rather already an inconsistency within ‘Source’
Since I don’t have any insights into the programming code, I want emphasise the word ‘seems’ - I think the problem coincided with my RW upgrade to V8.3, but the inconsistency is already between the ‘Container Plus’ and ‘Image’, now … hence I have great hopes, the issue can be resolved within ‘Source’.
Thank you for looking into this error - please check out my link again, I updated the site with the addition fo the ‘working’ Image stack.