The menu isn’t broken -it works fine , it just needs some drop down capability.
News pages and blogs - I know its a hard one isn’t it, people want them - never use them and then beat themselves up not using them!
No, don’t think theres a problem with old SEO - Googles cached the site several times now and its got several number 1 slots - I check using a second browser in private browsing mode
so think its passed that test - well I hope so LOL !!!
Don’t be confused - the site is for a customer - and I work for myself :) Sadly im a really bad boss and so I get away with murder !
HeaderPro uses whatever font YOU set it to use. So just set it to use the default font.
Depth is a theme, not a framework, as such?
From the sounds of it, you’d be better with a framework that offers the control you perhaps want?
its a blank theme, so I guess it falls above a theme and below a framework ?
Yes Ive got Foundation , kinda got into the groove with Depth.
Fair enough. Always best to stick to what you know, providing it’s not bending you all out of shape.
If though you’re changing a lot of standard features, like header images, fonts, etc. And the theme is still loading them in the background, plus loading the stuff you’ve replaced them with, it might be worth looking at options that don’t add content to the final code that isn’t used. It’ll only slow things down in the long run.
(I’ve no idea about Depth, so it might not be doing this, I’m just stabbing in the dark a bit here).
yea good point , I am a bit fidgety with the settings !
Just to conclude the thread. Thank you again everyone. Mistakes made lessons learnt. And a further understanding of what’s going on.
In short, weights back to normal, speed improved, head titles reset to to theme font ( less fonts !) and text not so repetitive. Contacted customer for improved specific content and recommended Facebook and not a news page at this point in time. Merged a few pages together ( less in menu )and juggled content around to be page specific , ( which was a silly error on my side really )
Have a drink on me ! send me your bill via PayPal to tq1@tightassb’
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