Hi everyone, I grabbed the 3D Portfolio during the Black Friday Sale. Unfortunately, it was a nightmare because the picture format is a portrait size, was decapitated of its image.
Is there an idea for fixing this situation?😓
Thank you
Michi 🇯🇵
Hi Michi san, these images are set to cover the entire container space, so some cropping is evident in both main and single projects views. We can set the images to be contained into the container, so they will be fully visible in single project view: they still be cropped only in the main screens, so to fit the layout.
Before I add this option to the stack please try this snippet on the page CSS field, tell me your impression:
.project-image::before { background-size: contain ! important; }
Hi Lucas san, thank you for your quick reply. The snippet works well, although, to make a professional-looking, it seems to me that it would be a better idea to make all images to be the same size.
Thank you, Happy Weekend!😀
No problems Michi san. I’ll add the option to the next update, as this can interest other users as well. Happy weekend for you too 😀