Not sure what the protocol here is, so am reluctant to try to offer help.
If someone posts a request for help to a devs support forum, opposed to in the general forum, if other users have the answers, or are even willing to help, is it OK for them to post?
Maybe the answer to this will depend on the dev, but it might be helpful if a blanket rule is made, as in… Id the request for help is in the general forum help away, if it’s on the devs own support forum leave it to the dev and/or their support staff. or, if each devs puts guidelines in their support forum, maybe as a stickie.
I guess what I’m asking is…
Devs, in your own support forums, are you happy for anyone to try to help, or do you want us to butt out and leave it you and your team? I can understand those preferring the latter, as often when people like me wade in to help we can often end up making things worse!
I would think if someone knows (or at least thinks they know) the answer then it is great if they share that. If it is wrong then the dev can step in and offer their answer.
And often it is things that are somewhat subjective anyway (best practice type questions) where answers coming from different view points can be beneficial.
Of course. I cannot think of anyone more suitable, capable and polite of mouth to interface with customers. Please try not to use the work bollocks if you can.
I really regret that I can contribute so little personally. I simply don’t know enough about all the IT background knowledge.
But as a 67-year-old former print graphic designer, the IT idea has pretty much missed my professional career; not as far as print graphics is concerned, but web design.
But maybe I can thank all the developers in a “motivation boost”:
If it weren’t for your well considered work and your collegial support (and of course Rapidweaver at all ;-) I would never have made it into webdesign.
A thousand thanks to everyone!
And a few relaxing holidays for the whole community!
Ich bedauere ja wirklich sehr, dass ich so wenig persönlich beitragen kann. Ich habe einfach zu wenig Ahnung von dem ganzen IT-Hintergrundwissen.
Aber als 67-jähriger ehemaliger Print-Grafiker ist der IT Gedanke ja ziemlich an meiner beruflichen Karriere vorbei gegangen; nicht was die Print-Grafik aber das webdesign angeht.
Aber vielleicht kann ich mich ja in einem ”Motivationsschub” bei den ganzen Developern bedanken:
Wenn es Eure gute überlegte Arbeit und Eure kollegiale Unterstützung nicht gäbe (und natürlich Rapidweaver überhaupt ;-) hätte ich es niemals ins webdesign geschafft.
Tausend Dank dafür an Alle!
Und der ganzen Community ein paar erholsame Feiertage!