I’ve had a few messages via the forum asking when the BF sale starts, and the short answer is… It doesn’t.
The reason being is that my templates seem to sell steadily all the time, each week see new sales coming in, which is great… Thank you.
If someone buys a template today, then the sale starts tomorrow, todays buyer will be left feeling cheated. I could look back over sales and refund the difference to people who have bought recently, but how far back do I go? There is always going to be a point that someone feels cheated as they missed the cut-off.
So to everyone it just feels fairer if I don’t have a sale this year. I mean, it’s not like my Templates are expensive. They’re AWESOME! And already GREAT VALUE FOR MONEY!
I will just remind folk that you can buy a template bundle all year round, which normally represents a 40% odd discount.
Foundry Bundle: Buy pre-built Rapidweaver projects and templates.
UIkit Bundle: Buy pre-built Rapidweaver projects and templates.
I’ve also got some great freebies in the free to join members area: News from Template Repo. - Freebies
Enjoy :-)