EasyButtons for RapidWeaver [Review]

Just out of interest, I went through and counted the button stacks in my RW Stacks library. I have twelve different button stacks – not counting those that are linked to a specific framework, theme, or have a specific function in a form etc. The collection has grown gradually over the years as developers managed to convince me that “this new button stack is the one-and-only-never-buy-another”.

On the Marathia EasyButtons Page, Jeroen simply states that EasyButton is a very versatile stack to create all sorts of links that look like buttons in a grid layout. Now 2019 has only just begun, but I’ll be bookmarking the statement for my understatement of the year contest. ‘Versatile’. EasyButtonsdelivers more than 100 configuration options. Yes, one-hundred! And it automatically configures itself to a grid, if you add more than one child stack.

Read More at: https://rw-ninja.news/EasyButtons
