Eternity 2 Color Override

I’m trying to override the color in an Eternity 2 stack. I have the font color set to white but I would like to have a different font color (046ab8) for the H2 “GET A FREEE QUOTE”

I’m using Foundation and it shows correctly in Edit Mode, but once I preview it, the color changes to white.

Any suggestions?


hard to help without one…

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What stack are you using to add the text? If Foundation header, just select custom colour and set to whatever you want.

It is a Foundation Header stack. I have selected through swatches and custom colors and neither have been successful for me.

Write your header text as:
<span style="color:#046ab8">Your header text here</span>

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Mot likely something else on the page rewriting the H tag css to white.

Eternity 2 has an option to set all the text inside including headers to a chosen color. It specifies that chosen color as !important, so it will over-ride most everything inside.

DooBox, you rock!! Thank you.