Finished moving from Foundry 3 to Source

Finished rebuilding a 350 page website with Source it’s now published and am impressed with the result. I bought the Source + Addon pack when I found out Foundry 3 was no longer going to supported at short notice.

Initially I had to refer to the Source workbook a lot getting started but after a while got the hang of it. I like the ‘lightweight’ aspect of it if any Foundry users are looking for a new home I’d recommend Source.

Finally I haven’t tested this extensively but I have been running various pages through Google PageSpeed Insights to test the difference between Foundry and Source. I can confidently say there’s been a speed (Performance) boost and improvements in the other categories (accessibility, best practices & SEO).


Wow! Good job! That is a speedy conversion for such a big site.

Glad you found Source to be an adequate replacement for Foundry. Great to have you on board!!


Nice. I’m on a similar journey but not as quickly as you and have found Source to be well supported, with proper documentation.


How do you deal with 350 pages? Is it divided into a number of projects?

my biggest project even has more than 1,250 pages.

yes, in the meantime i have split the project. this has advantages, but also disadvantages.

but the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. especially the performance and it reduces the crashes of RW

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So what are the maximum number of pages you run in a project?

It’s one project about 150MB in size. There were no crashes when building it or editing pages which I do daily. I’m using an M2 Mac Mini with 24GB.