FREE STUFF ROCKS! Free project: Takeaway. Ecommerce food take away

Introducing Takeaway

A free Ecommerce Project For Hot Food Takeaway

Powered By Paysnap3

Earlier this week Mr Yabdab offered the rather brilliant Paysnap for free to anyone using it to help any food business that has had to resort to a takeaway service in an effort to keep the lights on.

So I figured I’d try to keep the love going by building a free project powered by Paysnap to help them get up and running. This is available free to anyone, regardless of intended use.

Instead of building an entire project site, I decided to focus instead on building a self-contained hot food takeaway ordering system with Paysnap, that can be quickly and easily deployed by just dropping in all into a single page.



To achieve this goal I’ve pulled heavily on the awesome Limelight By Big White Duck; this is what powers the “page-within-a-page” feature of the menu: You click one of the menu buttons (burgers, pizza, etc.) and the relevant menu opens below the button bar. It’s all very clever and means adding this to any project is super easy.

The only (optional) additional pages you need are the “Success” and “Cancel” page. See the demo for details.

The demo project is built using the fantastic (and FREE!) Source framework by @habitualshaker. You can continue to use this framework (recommended) or swap out the Source stacks for your favourite equivalents.

While the demo project is built using the free Source framework, you can quickly and easily change all Source stacks for your favourite alternatives, so making Takeaway compatible with any theme or framework.

Minimum Requirements



Very nice project. I think I want to take a closer look at Paysnap3. Well done!

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Headsup: I’ve left a stack in the project that isn’t needed, and is a beta that no one will have. It’ll show up as “Stack Missing”. Just delete it.