For no apparent reason, the slideshow stopped working using Gallery Stack 3.11.1, Rapidweaver 8.9.1. It still works on the page: The Bigger Story (just the 2 images), but no longer on Sculptures, Drawings, Paintings. Settings are the same. The grid is Foundation 5 (I’ve not upgraded to Foundation 6 as yet) and I’ve tried different Lightboxes but I’ve used Baguette for quite a while with no problem. What’s wrong? Please help.
What’s this stack doing on the not working pages?
This is not installed on the working page.
I’ve double checked, it’s the image safe stack preventing the click on the image and with this launching of the lightbox.
Really? I doubt that…
To finish with this, Gallery Stack has it’s own “image protection” feature (which apparently as all so self called featured does not prevent anyone from copying the images from your website).
Thank you so much. The reason wasn’t apparent to me although it was to you. That’s why I asked.
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