I have been ask to look at a site for rebuilding in RW.
It has over 300 photo galleries!
There is also a Gallery of galleries showing the first thumb of each gallery and the gallery description.
Each gallery has multiple photos with Gallery description and a separate Alt Tag for each image
Each photo actually has its own page url with the following structure:
Domain/GalleryName/ImageName(no extension).html
The concern is outside links to these thousands of images and not losing any seo juice they have.
The sight is very old and has thousands of backlinks, way to many to do 301 redirects on.
Does anyone know of a Gallery stack that will allow for:
a gallery of galleries
a gallery description for each
each image has an alt tag
Creates a url for each image with the structure above.
HI, I was chatting with jannis today on here about his Gallery stack, not sure if it will do what you want, but on another site I use Wills Pro Gallery a lot, setup I think in much the same way as you’ve described, and I’ve just checked and each image does seem to have the URL structure you’re after.
There is a way for having a gallery of galleries, and also having a unique URL for opening one photo in one gallery in a lightbox. Both together doesn’t seem to work very well 😕
Thanks Jannis, another question if I may;
does photo stream or Gallery3 have the ability to load images (when set to web folder) from a different domain than the page is located?