I’m putting this in the BWD section, but it relates to all iframes, I’ve found.
I’m trying to put he Google map and reviews for a business in a LL, but it’s being blocked, Google say due to “sameorigin” stuff.
Is G now blocking iFrames etc?
I’m putting this in the BWD section, but it relates to all iframes, I’ve found.
I’m trying to put he Google map and reviews for a business in a LL, but it’s being blocked, Google say due to “sameorigin” stuff.
Is G now blocking iFrames etc?
Google has never allowed iframing of its main pages. Maps are still working on the limelight demo page without any XFRAME SAME ORIGIN errors
That is of course using the map child and not the frame child but it is still an iFrame which indicates that you are just trying to use a complex url with pins etc that has never been allowed
Well that would explain that then!
Of course, being a professional website developer, I knew that, I just posted to ensure others knew it.
Of course, just as I thought.