This is my first post since just joining for forum. I heard about this forum, but totally forgot about it till Gary at @Webdeersign recommenced I came to have a look.
I am just saying hi right now and a few questions if anyone can assist!
What i’m using now:
I am currently using Blocs for some projects and really enjoying the experience, but at times I do get really frustrated on doing simple things out of the box and I have spent literally hrs and hrs trying to get a tabs section to do some simple things, I then need to find various classes from the bootstrap page to bring back into it. In all fairness, yes it can do it - but it takes me a long time to get my head around.
Norm, Eldar and the team there are fantastic and the forum is really good and knowledgeable.
I also have started looking at WP - Elementor (free version at the moment) and love the look of this too, but love how example using Tabs again - how this is so so simple out of the box with a full list of changes etc in the menu.
My old Projects
I was a huge user of Rapidweaver before I went to Blocs and loved it, but had a few websites just give me issues with Rapidweaver needed to be the latest 8 version and then Foundation went to 6, and a couple of stacks I had needed the new version and threw the website out - and then was told I needed new version of Stacks…so the whole expense and frustration lead me to Blocs to have a one single in the box solution and its 80% there.
What I want now
I will still carry on my Blocs projects and future Blocs, but I have some Rapidweaver projects where I need regular page updates - bit like a manual Blog, and I love in Rapidweaver I can just update that page to the server and not keep having to do the whole website all the time. So id like to run a few sites still in Rapidweaver 7 which I have.
I was looking at Foundry which does seem to tick a LOT of boxes and has some amazing features and to be honest - I think would work for me 100% for my Rapidweaver projects, but also been recommended Source, and this does look great too and so much less bloated than the others.
I have also been looking more into Wordpress, as I have had some people mention if I did wordpress sites, this is a huge market to get into. I have learnt my way around and I have been told also that the one to look at without all the huge bloated size is Oxygen, and so many have said its blowing Elementor away in terms of size, speed and features and its more of tool for developers and they have a one off fee instead of per year.
Any source users here ? please post your sites and offer advice?! anyone using Blocs vs Source, Foundation 6 and Foundry etc…thanks all !
Great forum too - had a good look and it seems to have a lot of the regulars from Blocs and Rapidweavers forums on which is good to see !