iCloud shared albums in Gallery not showing on published pages

My iCloud shared photo albums don’t show up anymore on my Poster blog pages. They already take some time before popping up in preview mode, but never appear on the published page. It used to work until a few months ego, only recently found out it doesn’t anymore.

Here is an example Rondwandeling Saint-Privé

The iCloud album is Fotostream

Using Gallery stack version 3.14.0. In my more recent blog items I use Iconic Gallery and warehoused albums on my own domain, but was hoping to make use of the larger space on iCloud.

I’ll have a look.

I’ve seen you switched to Iconic Gallery, correct? Please leave it as it is, or copy to a new blog post. I am not able to follow a moving target.

Working for me when using it on my demo page:

Thanks Jannis.
Iconic doesn’t even show the iCloud photostream in preview. Gallery3 does, but the photostream doesn’t show up on a published page.

I’ve set up a clean testpage (just Source and Gallery3 between two headers) here:
iCloud album:

It works on my server:


Please provide PHP error logs and send them to my support email address, maybe we find something there.

If your server / hosting provider doesn’t allow outgoing server side connections to the servers from Apple, you will get this problem.

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