A slightly embarrassing request. I created a site about a year ago with Iconic Gallery and Splider, based on the Source Plus Project demo file and have not since edited it. Opening it today I can’t seem to reveal the contents of the Iconic stack, which is in a Splider stack. I’ve also loaded the Source demo project and can’t seem to get into the Iconic stack on that either. I remember that it was a bit of a challenge setting up the site originally but I have now spent quite a while trying to resolve this but have failed. I’m probably missing something obvious but would be grateful if someone could tell me what. RW Classic 9.2.0, Stacks 5.3.0, Iconic 1.3.0.
https://www.kilburnlad.com@habitualshaker any idea?
I don’t think there are any contents for Iconic stack are there? Is everything not just set in the settings in the side panel?
I had sort of come to that conclusion but I just wanted to change a caption on a photo and can’t seem to work out how to get to the images etc. I’ve obviously forgotten how I got there in the first place! The images are all stored on the server but I thought there must be a way to edit attributes locally.
No - is all managed remotely.
Thank you. That’s what comes of coming back to something a year after creating it. I didn’t remember that the file name created the caption but referring to the tutorial triggered my memory. All fine now and apologies for not spotting this, even though I did look at the tutorial, just not the relevant page!
Looking at an old project and trying to work out how the hell you did it - I’m sure more than a few of us relate to that :)