I am trying to figure out how to create the following.
I can create an upload facility to allow pdf files to be loaded to a web folder using the excellent unstacks Repository. The structure of the files will have part1
and part2
in the file name for each unique file, so each file will have the format part1_part2.pdf.
Is there a way to create a page that could show the file list and also have a user search facility to find a specific file or range of files with part1 or part2 as the search criteria?
Not a direct solution, but as I recall last year Bill Fleming (don’t know if he’s on this platform) and @willwood did a kind of upload and search function with combined stacks for this site https://www.agwm.org.
Will’s Paperless stack will allow you to filter results. (The Download stack that comes with Repository does not seem to offer this feature.) As far as I can tell this filtering feature will do the job for you.
Thanks both. I will look into both solutions.
@Webdeersign What did you find? Anything that meets your needs? If you found something (or somethings) that met your challenge better than Paperless please let me know. I need the exact same setup at times. Paperless has always been just great for me (and Repository’s Download stack is great for simpler needs). But if there’s something even better out there I’d like to learn about it.
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I took one look at Paperless and it seemed perfect. As soon as I try it I will report back
Paperless in use here https://www.lei-project.eu/results/
The pdf’s are uploaded into individual folders using Repository.