Is there a list of RW macros anyone knows about? Google shows a RM page that yo have to pay for.
I need to duplicate a number of RW sites each specific to a geographic location, and alter a few specific words and also the SEO and Alt Tag content in a number of places, for each RW project to use the location.
I am hoping there are some macros I can use for this.
Alternatively I could use something like EasyCMS for each project, but using macros at the time of publish would be a better solution I think.
Not sure exactly what you mean by “a default theme package” but couldn’t see what might be these macros in any of the theme I checked. It seems however, that they won’t be in the index file unless the theme developer chooses to add those specific ones.
These are the ones you can use:
The theme must support Banner images to access the Banner _alt text unfortunately. Also %email% is also partially accessible but it puts Contact Me after the %footer% text.
Also the %title% is the page title so that limits it use.
Anyway, there are 4 usable macros here that will come in handy in this requirement. Thanks again.
Anyone know of a RW7 theme that supports Banners. I have tried loads of themes but the RW General Settings for Banner has a message stating “The theme you have selected does not support banner images”.
I am hoping to find a theme that does support banner images and select it, then add the Banner Alt text, and then select a proper theme and I suspect the Banner Alt Text will remain.
I have been digging around the RW forum and it seems that some can’t access the Banner feature and some can use it. I have tried every RW7 included theme and none allow it for me. Weird but most likely a bug. Now that I have found a way to access the Sidebar I will abandon trying to use the Banner Alt text as I think I have enough macros to us.