I need to create a notes section at the bottom of many pages to provide a traditional notes layout for the pages content. The format needs to be a conventional layout with the number of the note (in parenthesis ideally) and for the actual note text to be indented away from the note number. The note number may not be in numeric order and they don’t start at 1. So it needs to look like this:
I was hoping that Markdown would do this but I can’t seem to create a Markdown solution. The layout is somewhat similar to a 2 column table which makes me think there may be a Markdown solution.
Anyone know a way to do this?
Actually, you can do this in Markdown using the table configuration. It needs a bit of CSS to get it to indent efficiently but this will work fine I think.
I know this may not be helpful to you … but I found tables a pain to make. Until I found about about TableFlip. Now I make markdown tables all the time and it’s a joy to do so. For those who might be interested:
@Webdeersign Willing to share the final CSS you use for your final output? (when you have it sorted out)
Thanks. Tables are a bloody pain. They also turn out to be a bloody pain to CSS. I can’t explain why but my last effort is exactly what I was look into for. Something seems to be setting the width of the indent and I can’t figure out what it is.
I can’t help with this. I’m a CSS monkey. I have a general CSS style for my tables that I like and use all the time. But I’m no good at customizing CSS for tables. Perhaps @tav can help here.
A couple of sites I’ve found generally helpful in the past include:
Footnotes are part of MultiMarkdown but RW just processes regular Markdown.
Some workarounds available using just some html in the Markdown stack to create them e.g. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25579868/how-to-add-footnotes-to-github-flavoured-markdown
The 3rd answer down from Matteo is nice and simple.
(Though a table may well be a reasonable option to give you that format / structure)
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Thanks. I will check that out.
@habitualshaker Yes, the Matteo solution works quite well. It’s too bad that RW does not do multimarkdown. What one loses in this solution is a bit of simplicity … but more importantly one needs to keep track of the numbering and ordering. If there’s only 2 to 5 footnotes on a page I suppose it isn’t much of a problem. But if one edits material, switches paragraph orders, and so on then you need to make sure to re-edit the numbering sequence of impacted footnotes. And it’s only frustrating as multimarkdown offers such a simple elegant alternative.
@Webdeersign Okay, this may not end up helping you but I tried another approach. If you have a markdown editor that does multimarkdown (there’s lots of them but I like MultiMarkdown Composer) and you have the wonderful Marked 2 previewer … then you can very easily copy the previewed multimarkdown into HTML format and paste into RW.
I have not tested but I don’t think you need to do numbering starting at 1 and/or sequential. Or with some very simple tweaks to the outputted HTML footnotes I can change numbering of footnotes/notes.
This may not address your real need: but it’s an approach that would work very easily for me.
Thanks. That probably a fully featured solution.
Using the Source Markdown stack I can tolerate the amount of work I need to for each page. If I had to more, I would probably use your solution, but I want to keep the project file free of external apps needed to generate the code so that I can jump into it and make text edits if required, all within RW.
Fully understood.
In an upcoming project I’ll need to use footnotes/notes a fair amount. Your post reminded me about the current “issues” with footnotes. I think my choice will be to create the first draft of relevant text with MMD Composer and Marked. Copy the HTML. Then do further editing directly inside RW. It’s what I do currently for tables. TableEdit scaffolds the basics of the process for tables for me: thereafter it’s easy for me to edit/tweak in RW.
Hopefully others will have even better ideas given how you want to work. Maybe @tav will create a true Multimarkdown Stack!
Another easy but useful thing to do is to add:
tr:nth-child(even) {background-color: #e5e5e5}
tr:nth-child(odd) {background-color: #c5c5c5}
th {background-color: red}
To zebra stripe the table and headings backgrounds. In this example even rows to grey #e5e5e5 and odd rows to grey #c5c5c5 and the heading to red.
I also found this code to be useful to indent the numbers from Footnote text:
table th:first-of-type { width: 40px}
Where 40px could be anything such as 10%.