I’ve got a site that’s exceeded its bandwidth for the month for the first time since it was uploaded three or four years back. No new content of any weight has been added.
IIUC, the access logs indicate that something called MJ12bot has visited the site - wait for it - 355,000 times in the last few weeks. Seems to be something to do with Mozilla?
it’s just one of Majestic’s bots. Nothing malicious. They are a rather respected SEO company, and have bots constantly crawling the internet. This one in particular is apparently building a new database of backlinks, meaning they have followed other websites links back to you…
Wow! I’ve never heard of that! I know years ago malicious scraper bots were “disguising” themselves as legitimate bots, and this might be happening here. You can contact majestic through the mj12bot.com site as that sort of crawling should not be happening.