I’m starting a new thread for this one, as I know quite a few people are interested in Blocs, and also interested in a real-world experience of picking up Bloca after years with RW.
I first tried Blocs back in April and didn’t get on with it. The reasons for this in retrospect are still not clear. back then it just didn’t click with me. I played with it for about a week and got nowhere. Perhaps I was thinking too much RW when I used it, perhaps my frame of mind just wasn’t right. Perhaps because I was only using the trial version and not invested I sub-consciously wanted to fail.
Either way, I just didn’t like it.
Back To Now
This time around I didn’t try the trial, I just jumped in and bought it on the BF deal. I got my first proper play with it around Sunday, and after de-RWing my head for a few hours I got the hang on things, enough to throw together a very basic site using pretty only the pre-fab blocs.
Pleased with the results, on Monday I started putting together something I’d be happy to use in the commercial world.
To my mind, there are about three levels to Bloc.
- Basic. Build sites using more or less pre-fab blocs.
This is a great approach, which I reckon many who use RW and themes to build sites would be more than happy with. It’s really difficult to mess things up. Just select the bloc you want on the page, add them, order them, get your colours sorted then throw your content at it.
I reckon for a lot of weavers they’d get better results wit Blocs in it’s most basic form than RW, not to mention save money, as all you need is Blocs.
Intermediate. Create your own blocs and customising the pre-fab ones.
This I think is the level I’m now at after a few days with Blocs. Once you start to dig down into Blocs it’s pretty powerful. You get a lot of control over all elements on the page, in terms of layout at all the different breakpoints. And on the subject of breakpoints Blocs has a really different way to setting things up than RW, it’s a nice way to do things, and for those less sure of how things will look in the published page, it’s a better way to work (IMO). -
I’m not at this level, but I can see it. Not sure if I will get there, but I am starting to see that there is a lot of scope with Blocs to do more or less everything you want.
So… the inevitable comparison!
Thanks to the mature stacks market, and Stacks itself, at the moment I feel that RW has more creative scope than Blocs. But that creativity comes at a price, literally in terms of money (you have to buy the stacks) but also in terms of performance. Within reason anything you can think of doing on a webpage you can pretty much do with RW and stacks. I don’t think you can say that about Blocs, at the moment, without adding in a lot of your own code, with defeats the purpose of using things like RW & Blocs.
None the less, Blocs is a serious option for people building sites that don’t need all the fancy stuff, and for some I’d now serious question using RW.
The demo project I’m slowly building with Blocs is here: http://ci-clientservices.com/clientdev/designed/
I’ll update this thread as I continue to learn Blocs and evolve that project.
If anyone wants to post to this thread, can we please not have it descent into a them/us argument.