Never Gonna Get It

It seems one or more moderators have had their humor bones surgically extracted over the holidays. That’s too bad, and I’m sorry you needed to go through such a procedure. Hopefully the recovery is going well.

In the spirit of the upcoming New Year I’m repeating the song shared so generously (and funnily) a day or two ago. I apologize that I don’t know the name of the person who first shared this song as their original post has been deleted. I think it was @Anugyan, but I may be wrong. At any rate, it was a brilliant connection between an old song and current events. (I, myself, had completely forgotten about the song and never could have made the connection myself.)

One moderator wrote that Isaiah is not active on this forum and provided a Discord link. As we all know, Isaiah isn’t active there either. Just sayin.


Well if you want personal updates about what going on with Isaiah.
Look here, hope that is a help.

Like everyone else, I can only speak for myself. I gladly and patiently wait for Isaiah to come through, and at the same time I enjoyed this bit of self-deprecating humor via the linked song ;)

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The frustration for me is growing. I was primarily a Foundry user but built a few sites with Source and Foundation. I’m finding it difficult to devote my time to really learn one of these other frameworks without a clear roadmap for the future of Stacks. Mean while Elements pumps out weekly updates on their progress, and Blocs keeps innovating and releasing new versions. I hope Isaiah comes through, but at this point I’m not counting on it. I started using Blocs a couple months ago.


Still stacks4all is a support forum for small stack developers. We developers have no impact on Isaiah and the future of Stacks Pro unfortunately. Therefore also posting above content (here) does not improve the situation. Thanks for your understanding.

What do you mean - ‘we developers’ - Are you suggesting that the user base of your stacks and web builders are not supported on this forum?
Is it just for developers?
I’d like to remind you, we keep you alive, support you, so don’t be so arrogant!
Should we go back to Rapidweavers for help etc??

Honestly I don’t understand what you are talking about. You know exactly what this support forum is for. Maybe this was lost in translation.

We developers, which are using this stacks4all support forum for our users and customers, have no impact on getting Stacks Pro finished. I hope I made this clear. You won’t get any additional information about Stacks Pro here, because we don’t know more than you. We are on the same page.

This wasn’t a very good comment, was it?

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yet there is a truth to it.

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Whoever attached Never Gonna Get It to StacksPro should probably be shot or have to pay the full price from now on.

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Hi everyone!

While it is frustrating for some. dealing with the seemingly slow progress for Stacks Pro, it is true, that as users of this forum, we have no control over the developer or the development.

We need to be thankful that this forum is here to help us to answer or give direction to questions that we have, or issues that we face.

As one who exclusively uses RW (and still only version 8, as I refuse to upgrade to a subscription-based software) and probably even exclusive to Foundation 6 (with the rare instance of 1.8 for maintaining some sites for colleagues), I am happy for this resource available. I also use the RW forum and Weaver’s Space too. There can never be enough resources IMHO.

We all have choices that we can make in regards with what products we want to use when building sites.

Let’s keep calm and move into 2025 with the wish that things progress steadily but if they don’t, then with the knowledge that we have many knowledgable colleagues here who can lend support if they are able.

Happy 2025 (a bit early I know)!


I don’t know why some folks choose not to communicate through the channels that most people (e.i., customers) use; it’s frustrating to say the least. As for me, I no longer depend upon web design as my main source of income, so I don’t pay too much attention to it. I basically retired last year and take jobs I’m interested in. If StacksPro gets released, great; I’ll make the jump; if not, I’ll just keep plugging away with my expired version of RWC.

But, for those who have earned a nice living from Stacks, and presumably planned to continue doing so, I feel for you. I read just today that another well-known and well-respected developer has shut his doors - Will Woodgate announced that due to several reasons, he has closed Stacks4Stacks and ThemeFlood. The reasons stated were: a sharp decline in RapidWeaver usage, no desire to to be involved with the recently announced rules set forth by Realmac Software, and lastly…the glacial pace of development, coupled with months passing without updates or official communication regarding StacksPro about its progress.

I’m incredibly grateful for this forum. Although I wasn’t very active in 2024, that was simply because I only developed a few new websites this past year. Whenever I have questions, this forum (as well as Joe’s forum) has been an invaluable resource. The community here is remarkable, both for their kindness and their expertise.


Shame. Another quality developer gone, doesn’t inspire much confidence in the future of ‘stacks’ in any form!


Thank you for all you have done in rw community & hoping you do well in your new endeavors!

Feel free.

No there isn’t. I support this forum, no-one else.


Well, I might want to say that over all these years, I have come to trust our developers. If they say progress is being done, then that is probably how it is. So far there is nothing hindering us from using the current versions of Rapidweaver to continue making our websites. And as stated many times by several developers, that is likely going to be the case for a very foreseeable future. Most of us took Stacks as a very needed relief from the constraints of RW themes. I was so excited to get the opportunity to keep using a non code platform for making very advanced websites. RW and STacks combined have brought us almost unlimited possibilities. So I will continue being patient and rely on Isiah to finish his huge programming work. Just the prices for the new RW Elements should be enough to deter any sensible person from jumping on that wagon.


The sole pressure emanating from this topic originates from users and developers seeking additional clarification. It is evident that individuals continue to engage in these discussions due to their genuine interest in the outcome.

One could be particularly concerned if these type of posts were to cease altogether.

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No need to be concerned, these kind of posts will not cease because we also have a genuine interest in the outcome.

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Off topic I know. But as the new year begins, I thought a simple thank you to Marten and the other developers who setup and add value to Stacks4all. Take a step back and look at all the great help and info they’ve supplied over the years.