New Template: Paris For Foundry With Optional Alloy Blog

Before the waffle, for those just wanting to jump straight in. Click here to see the demo and here to buy the project.

plus… New Foundry Bundle!

I have a few popular Foundry projects now, so as a one-off, I’ve bundled them up to offer them for a limited period with a massive discount. See the bundle here.

With that out the way, the usual fanfare…

Introducing Paris For Foundry


Paris Is Pure Foundry! No Third-Party Stacks!

Paris represents quite a departure for my templates. Typically I’ve added a few (often free) third party stacks to the mix, but with the Potion and Thunder packs (not to mention Alloy), Foundry is such a well-rounded framework I didn’t feel the need on this one!

It also includes an optional blog based on the rather brilliant Alloy 3. I’m pretty new to Alloy, and I’ve been blown away by its simple functionality and wide-ranging features. Paris was initially not going to have a blog page, but I was so impressed with Alloy I delayed it’s launch to add it.

The main project itself draws heavily on the various stacks within Foundry that easily allow you to shift content blocks around the page. I’m talking mostly about Overlap and Position here. I’ve used these extensively in Paris to break up the content sections without upsetting the page flow.

As always with my projects, I’ve tried to use some stacks in ways they might not have been intended for, to offer some unusual layouts and ideas. have a root around the project and see if you can spot what I’m talking about ;-)

Also, as always, there is a bit of custom CSS going on behind the scenes to fine-tune some elements to get them exactly how I wanted. So if you buy the project and can’t figure out how I’ve done some things, check out the custom CSS settings.

That’s enough of the waffle, I think. Suffice to say, I really like Paris, and I love the way the blog page turned out (check out the different blog page views depending if you view the main page, the category page or the blog listing… LOVE IT!)

It’s got a discount applied to the price for the next few days or so, so if you like it, want it, and want it CHEAP, get it bought!



Hello folks.

This is just a quick post to let you all know that the discounted price on Paris ends this weekend.



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