If you have questions about Stacks or any of our other plugins, please send them to http://yourhead.com/support – Christi is still answering email like usual and can help out in all but the most technical issues.
OK, here’s the longer version…
My son came down with mono (glandular fever) and pneumonia (simultaneously – OMG – even our family doctor was flummoxed) – anyway, after 3-weeks at home with him, nursing his relentless fever, I caught pneumonia too. Thankfully I’ve already had mono so I can’t get that again.
Even though I was able to get treated quickly, and the antibiotics were very effective, I was still pretty sick there for a few days. I am getting better – but very very slowly. I’ll definitely be out of commission for the remainder of the week. And probably half-days working from bed for a while after that.
If Christi isn’t able to help, or you need immediate advice, please lean on the forum, the great stack developers, the videos, FAQs, and the many other resources around the community – there really are a ton.
If you’re a forum regular, please do me a favor and show people this post or help them find the resources they need.
If you do send me email or private messages, it may be a little while before I can get back to you. My inbox is currently sitting at around 1200 – I’ll start chipping away at in a few days.
Thanks for understanding. And keep on weaving and stacking while I’m away,
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Best wishes for a speedy recovery Isaiah. I’m sure that forum members will do their best to pick up a little of the slack in your absence - with the occasional touch of sarcasm, of course.
i’m afraid i was not able to bounce back as quickly as i hoped.
earlier this week i finally went to the ER and spent a few days in the hospital. multifocal bilateral pneumonia and sepsis. i was pretty sick.
i’m out now but still only able to sit up in bed for a few minute at a time. so i’m afraid i have to ask folks to lean on the large RapidWeaver and Stacks community. christi continues to answer support (as well as working full time, taking care of our son who is also recovering from pneumonia and nursing me back to health). bug fixes and updates will be on hiatus for a little bit. the doctor says recovery from this sort of thing usually takes about a month, but hopefully i’ll get bored and start writing a little code a bit sooner than that. but it’s probably wisest not to try to guess when that will be.
thanks for all the well wishes.
and please send a thank you to twitter.com/girlcarew for keeping me alive.