I suspect half if not all the problem here is my misusing PopDrop Menu, but in this instance, where I’ve recreated the Foundry overlay menu system (but using stacks that actually allow some customisation!) I can’t get the close icon to appear.
You haven’t added a close element into your modal. If you want the original pop drop launcher icon to show through then it is going to need to be fixed position.
Having it static position means that it could scroll anywhere up and down with the page so it makes no sense to use it as a close.
Failing that, if you insist on existence then just float a close icon in the modal. The easiest way is use a full height section and then use section fix to put an icon top right - you could use a ButtonPlus 2 in icon mode or just a text stack with a FA icon in it.
You can make anything close its parent pop drop by adding the data-popdrop-close attribute - which of course is easy in button plus
I had a graphic designer contact me in the week for a site, just wanted more or less what’s on that page: Some galleries in a block.
Long story short I don’t think what he wants is possible with RW but as I had a gallery system I’d already made (PosterGallery) I said if I had some spare time I’d look at throwing something together for him.
I don’t for one moment think he’s going to go with this, but as I’m incapable of doing anything else today, I figured I’d have a play.
If you does go for it, I’ll look into the close icon thingie some more.
Out of curiosity, would using LL be the better option? That nice animated open and close “BWD” icon thingie you use, is that an SVG?
I do like the Foundry Overlay Menu stack that I’ve tried to replicate here, it’d be nice to actually put together a little setup with LL to use in some other instances instead of the Foundry stack, as it doesn’t have nearly enough syling options.
Which one? The one on the BWD site is a CSS icon animation, the same as in PopMenu which is robbed from MenuLab which is in turn robbed from Facet (which is now a part of menu lab).
There is also the animated SVG on in PopMenu which is just robbed from MenuLab
Obviously the best solution would be to use the menu lab overlay menu or Facet which were actually designed for the job and predate all the cheap imitations that have come since. I stand proudly alone on my mountain of nonchalance safe in the knowledge that I don’t need to release it to buy seeds and nuts.