Poster 2 - How to Use {{{custom.metadata}}}


How can I use the {{{custom.metadata}}} tag effectively? Where does it pull from, in other words where do I enter my custom metadata into?

Would this be the correct place to add Schema Markup?

When I added my custom custom metadata is it added to the head section of the page?



In the item there is a custom metadata input field. It comes from Poster 1. No, you aren’t able to put any schema information into this.

Do you have a recommendation for where to place my unique schema information for each of my Poster 2 Items that I create?

Will it be placed in the head section?

You aren’t able to add your custom schema information inside Poster 2.

What metadata and structured data does Poster 2 add, if any?

I appreciate the Help, thank you!

Thank you, very helpful.

Is there away to change the meta property og:type = article tag? Not all of our items are articles.

It would not help to just change this one attribute. The whole schema definition would have to be changed be be a valid document for another type.