Poster 2 - More Than One {{{body.content}}}?

I’m Working on a Recipe Layout and it would be helpful to have more than{{{body.content}}} section.

Is it possible to have more that one {{{body.content}}} section? If so, how would I do that?

Thank you,


Currently not.

What would you do with a extra content section?

Why do you want more than 1 body? You can fit a huge amount of content into the body as it is.

All of the Project pages on my site are effectively inside the body and I can make each one different if I need to.

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I would like to reproduce a recipe layout similar to the one I attached. How would you suggest I go about it using Poster 2?

Thank you.


You would just need to build that layout and copy into each body

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Sorry, it’s been awhile since I have used Poster 2, I was over thinking it.

Also forgot how powerful Poster 2 is, it’s awesome!

Thanks for the help.

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Beside this, I have more than one content areas in my mind.

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Options are Good.

Morning. I’ve asked about another body content section before, and I think there is good grounds for it. So hopefully at some point, once Jannis is on top of the other things on his plate, he’ll look at it.

There are many reasons. So you can put the body content into two columns for one.

Yes, you can, as you suggested above, simply put a 2col stack into the P2 item body content, and your content into that. But, this approach defeats the point of templates: To move as much content out of the item detail and into the template. If you have 50 P2 items, that’s 50 2col stacks on the page that you could reduce to one, if there were two body content sections. Or more even.

Final thing I’d say on this is don’t forget you can add text content to the metadata fields in settings and have that appear in the template.


Is one additional main area enough? I don’t want to break it up to an unlimited amount.

Although I can imagine different layouts requiring more than 2 main areas.

That depends what you are specificaly trying to do and what you understand by the P2 concept of templates. The P2 template works briliantly and allows the efficient creation of the most complex layouts using RW. My point is that it is currently possible to put complex and different layouts into the body area that are way beyond a 2 column layout. Effectively you can treat the current body area as a blank page and put whatever stacks with content, that you would put on that page, into the body area. The key thing is that if you do this, then you should build light code stacks layouts to use it IMHO.

The word template can mean many things and in the P2 body, it means a great deal more than taking plain text and then making it look pretty and inserting into a “templated” layout in a Wordpress sense.

I sense that the suggestion to have more than 1 body, is more a request for multiple text areas that can be inserted into the body area using macros and that does make sense.

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Three would be plenty I’d say. I’m not sure you’d actually need more than two, but with three at least you’re covered in most situations.

I thought it was clear. I’m talking about {body-content}, as per the OP.

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Ha, you are correct. For some reason I translated body content into Main Content.

In that case at least 10 areas. If there are 2 then there will be requests for more.

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This is a typical example of what I’m talking about…

The template for that looks like this…

The additional bits of info in the top right col is put there using the meta data in the Item settings. This works, but there is no option for formating or anything more than text. It’d be handy if this content could be put there using a {body-content2} section, which could then be formatted in the body content of each item.

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Ten would be nuts IMO. if you are at the point of needing to insert ten content zones into the template you are at the point where you might as well build the layout for the item detail in each individual item and just buck it all into the template with a single {body-content} tag.

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Let’s say I add the possibility to create 10 additional content areas (I will not name them extra content, that could be misleading 😄)

That could be either text, galleries, static images, etc.

Would this fit most of the use cases?


Yes I think so.

Moving forward in time, these woud be the CMS’d items.

A good example of a future P2 use could be an online shop where the following individual content could require a seperate content area:

  1. Item Description
  2. Price
  3. Availability
  4. Shipping
  5. Colours
  6. Sizes
  7. Options
  8. Sale status
  9. Health information/Construction
  10. Country of origin

Or an AirBNB type of property details that are all distinct and often unique to each property.
It’s not too difficult to use up 10.


I have 22 fields in a current car classifieds php script. That’s before I get to the images and Features section which I can add as many as I wish to, i.e. safety features, optional extras, infotainment section, etc.

Yes, that sounds like a perfect example for a custom database and PHP script.

So out of curiosity is 10 a fairly arbitrary number or is there a benefit/tipping point at which a database backed CMS is a better option than a flat file CMS?

I know I’m fairly uninformed on this but had wondered it could be a case of having an Add Custom Field and adding what you needed. I assume not otherwise you would have done it and that there are more considerations that need to be taken in to account.

Would it be possible to predefine the content of the additional content areas? so a dropdown selection was available for the end user to more easily add items and keep those additions uniform.