My feeling is that this might not be possible, but is there any way to display the page numbering in a Poster blog as 1 of 7, for example, or better still have a page number breadcrumb. With a large number of posts, if you choose only to show the most recent 10, for example, the reader has no idea of how may pages there are in total. More importantly, this also seems to be the case if you filter by category, tag or archive. Or am I missing something?
No, you are correct. I will check what’s possible. I think this is a good idea.
Cheers, Jannis
Thank you Jannis.
Poster Stack update 1.11.7 now contains a separator Page x / y.
Thank you again Jannis. I’ve checked it out on my Poster pages and it’s doing just what I wanted. And such a fast response!
Awesome !
Installed, looks great, ty
Anything else new with that update? Quite happy with just that though :-)
Best that @Webdeersign and @steveb have a look. They are the experts.
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All good