Project 24 for SOURCE POSTER2 now released

Project 24 is now available, using SOURCE and based around unstacks new POSTER2 stack. The layouts are created using SOURCE Grid Plus and Grid Plus Pro together with just about every Flex Box positioning you could imagine in a blog. The blog engine is Poster2 and using the new Template feature in Poster2, creates a blog that is easy to maintain, add new content and maintain the design layout.

There are 2 types of asymmetric layouts. The first can be applied throughout the blog by specifically targeting individual blog items. E.g. you could make the 1st, 4th, 9th, 15th, etc items span 2 or 3 columns or you can create a pattern that will repeat itself on every Poster2 list page. I.e. every Poster2 page could have the 1st, 2nd and 5th items at different widths.

Also, the blog items can be triggered by buttons or images, can have hover effects, hover shadow or hover lift. All content is entered in the blog items once, and the grid list of posts is then built from each item template. This greatly simplifies updating the blog from users point of view.

Big thanks to Stuart and Jannis for collaborating so well and making Source and Poster2 integrating well together.

Demo at
Details at


Just updated this to v1.1 for a couple of small tweeks.

Customers can download the latest version by logging into their Paddle account and downloading again.

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Thanks Gary @Webdeersign !

Your designs are always stunning 🥳

Great work sir !


Thanks. Source and Poster2 make a great blog building solution. Your new optional Template approach is very powerful yet creates an easier way to update the live blog.


I think this looks great. Really precise and well-executed; and I am really pleased to see it is promoted on the Instacks Poster2 page.

I have a couple of blogs as text using Markdown files in Poster2. I have found it a liberating way to work, and having the YAML front matter set up in a markdown template means that I don’t (usually) forget to add seo description, categories and tags.

But I have a question: would it be possible to use your Project 24, with Markdown files in Poster 2? That would be very interesting.

Please keep up the inspiring work.

Yes of course. Markdown is already used. In the Item contents, i.e. the part you write for each blog can be 100% Markdown. That’s probably how most will use it.

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@fergus I have made a small update to better demonstrate the use of Markdown in the Item areas in P24, i.e. that is the bit that the user edits. The Items in the demo6 page are all Markdown:

This is the Item view for that post:

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There is no difference in using Poster Items, Markdown files, or in future the online editor.

All have or will have the same settings.

Thanks @Webdeersign and @Jannis.

Gary: anyone that responds so fully, and even changes their project, deserves my business - I’ll go off and buy Project 24 this morning.

Jannis: thanks. That answers my question perfectly.

Best wishes to you both.


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That’s very kind. Thanks.

Not meaning to diminish my lavish attention I have been giving, your questions just stimulated me to make the Markdown capabilities of using Source with Poster2, more obvious.

What’s particularly good about the Source Markdown stack is that you have so much control over the styling allowing you to build a more appealing layout. Some Markdown blogs can look very basic and that is not the case using the available styling options in Source.

Lavish is a good word. Thanks.

It wasn’t so much using MD within RW that I originally meant. Rather, using Poster’s ability to use text files (which are written in Markdown) stored on a server as the basis for a blog.

Anyway, I’ve got your project, and will work through it in the coming weeks.

Source and the other developments such as yours, have definitely made me excited about using RW again.


I just added a new feature and updated Project24.

The new feature is a Ribbon badge feature to highlight individual Posts in the list. The demo5 page has been updated with this feature, which is shows a red LATEST in the top right of the first post only. As new posts are added, the ribbon badge will only apply to the first or latest post.

The feature is built with a few Source Coders and you can save this as a Template or External to use in other Source Poster2 projects.



Actually, it shows on each page. I was hoping that it would only show on the first page. Is there something I misunderstood or overlooked?

Probably a cache issue. Clear your browser cache or open in a new Private window.

I just opened your project in RW and switched to Preview mode. There, I saw badges on first items of each page. Then, I previewed in a browser and I still saw badges on first items of each page. So, I switched to another browser – same result. Clearing the cache didn’t help, either.

Check everything is up to date and restart RW. If you still see this, then if you can send me a URL via a private message, I can look at it and see why yours is different. Also what version of RW Stacks, MacOs and browser are you using?

Edit. Yes your are correct. Will update it shortly.

New version 1.4 now available.

This adds a new feature to add the ribbon to specific posts that will show the ribbon no matter where they are in the layout or search results. In addition, the ribbon can be used on multiple items to implement something like a 20% OFFsign that could be handy in a product or service blog type application. Note that the text in the ribbon, i.e. 20% OFF in this case can be fed with text from a macro from the Template Item. How cool is that?

The Demo 3 page has this type of ribbon implemented on it -


Great. Version 1.4 works as expected. Thank you, Gary!


New version 1.5 now available.

This is a significant update because the text inside the Ribbons on the Demo3 page, is now provided from the individual post item details. In addition, the Ribbons will appear in the blog Details. This will allow different multiple promotions, update, sales, offers, review stars, availability, etc., all by adding the text for the ribbon inside the individual Item Details. This is a great way to quickly add a dynamic appearance to a product or service layout and to add eye catching promotions all from within the Template Items.


Someone asked if the Book Now buttons could be set to different URLs set in the Item details for each post.

The answer is yes. This can be done by using the External Link setting in the individual post item setting, to enter the URL of the link and then set the Button URL to {{external_link}}.

Then you could for example have unique buttons on every Post Detail such as Buy Product1 linking to

So the button text would be BUY {{title}} and the button URL would be {{external_link}}.