Most of my sites are hosted by DreamHost, which defaults users to SFTP. SSH is also available. Over the past few weeks, I am often locked out of the system for a period of time after uploading files. DreamHost support told me I’m blocked for failed SSH login attempts.
So, my question is: do I need to generate a private and public key and, if so, is there anything special I need to do? Just enter ssh-keygen in Terminal and follow the prompts…then point Rw to the generated key and then put my chosen password in the Passphrase field?
No, I never did. But, the issue resolved itself when I moved from shared hosting to my own managed VPS with them. The price difference per year was negligible, and it’s still a fully managed server. If your host offers a similar plan, and the cost isn’t prohibitive, I’d recommend moving to a VPS.
An alternative might be to join one of @joeworkman’s weekly hangouts. I’m sure he would know the answer and could walk you through it.