Hy guys
Here a brand new theme with features RW8+ and something more ! (again)
HYPE theme deliver 16 animated titles and you can customize font, colour and text position through the theme panel.

Testing option (I love it) : This is the “edit mode” grid and the timeline slider for testing

here a coupon 20%off for all forum users.
Great theme… INSTANT BUY $$$
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Can we have this animation as a stack ?
I second that. The animated headlines as a stack would be awesome.
You can read something in @rob article.
I was expecting this question :)
I’m working on it ( helped by Delfigra), but due to the particular nature of the animation file (a JS package) there are problems with the management of the Plist. I have an alpha.
In the theme the integration is complete ( also in the design of the tempalte) and it works without plugins!
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Just bought it - but please check your mobile view of the cart. It is nearly impossible to add the promo code as a dark layer sits on top of the mobile check out which can not be closed. Also the confirmation page when you return to the vendor after paying with PayPal is not responsive. The content is much wider than the screen…
@Fuellemann sorry for the inconvenience
I fixed the panel in small devices
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Update available 1.0.2
New option to hide navigation ( thanks to some users)
The DMG will be sent shortly by mail
Hype in promo for Christmas holidays 45%off
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