RW theme LUX UPG

Hi there!

Here a new fresh theme with all new features RW8+ and something more! I’m an quite expert user with HypePro and I have a lot of fun with it :) . LUX theme deliver 10 html5 animations for the bakground and you can mix it with your banner image (plus some CSS filters with sliders in RW8).


here a coupon for all forum users.


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Hi - I love the GDPR compliance :-) But another question: The background animations are great. Is there a way to buy these separately to use them in banners etc.?

if you mean a portable set across themes unfortunately not.
In this particular case the animation ( a DIV called hypeanimation) is part of the index.html of the theme.
I’ll looking into an option to do it :)

Update available 1.0.1

  • New js for animation triggering.
  • Improved compatibility with HypeTitles Stack.

Update available 1.0.2
Also in this theme a new option to hide navigation ( thanks to some users)
The DMG will be sent shortly by mail

LUX in promo for Christmas holidays 45%off