Rw4all for All Devs

Hi All,

First and foremost, I joined rw4all and set up a Stack-Its category in anticipation of my new FreeFormPro addition to EasyDB, i.e. a place to support users questions, etc. & rw4all was pitched as a place for all, including devs to support each other.

Last week, I was shocked to find the Stack-Its category removed and when I asked Marten, in short, he tells me that I ‘…contributed nothing in terms of support to any of our users… which is the primary aim of this forum. Happy to reinstate it later if you want to contribute more!’

I do contribute, but I am extremely busy in trying to wrap up game-changing software for the community, but I have made comments on some threads and have helped some users. I do make it a point to read comments every day, but as I’m sure everyone realizes, there’s a fire-hose worth of posts generated every day ;)

I think we can all be civil and all devs should have a little corner to store their posts, give specific support, etc on this forum and respect each other’s time and contributions. FYI - the same thing happened on Joe’s forum, so it basically comes down to a question of: is rw4all a place for devs or not?

I’m not interested in a debate & I’m sure Marten will make a comment. I just wanted everyone to understand the issue and my disagreement.


I have been attending the RW community for many years, some troubles are repeated but the forums change over time.
I hope we can always have a friendly communication :)
