S4 Template: Modal Menu for UIkit3. Coming Soon!

This is something new that I’ve initially put together for a client website, liked it so much, had some great feedback, so decided to expand it and make it available to all you Kitters out there!

This is a not a full-blown project, but a UIkit3 “element” put together using only UIkit3 stacks to complement the native menu options that come with the framework. I’ve included in the demo file instructions to turn any of the demo layouts into Stacks 4 Partials, Externals or Templates.

I’ve called it Modal Menu. Check out the demo below and you’ll see why!


(For most of the demo layouts you will need to reduce the screen width to below 960px to see the new mobile menu).

The idea of this release is to give you another mobile menu option, which is extremely customisable and very different from anything that comes as standard with UIkit3.

I plan to release it next week, but in the meantime, I thought I’d ask the Kitters here for any last-minute requests.

The price at release will be €3.

All comments and requests welcome.

keep kitting!


Hi, how easy would it be to use an image instead of a color as the background overlay?

Very easy. You’d just select an image in the background stack and make the colour transparent.

The challenge is setting the same image for the background of the Navbar AND the modal, and having them blend 100% perfectly into each other. I did try, but failed. I’ll maybe look again though.

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Worked it out so you can have the same image behind the navbar and the modal menu with a seamless shift from one to the other. You do need to be careful with image selection: Something too detailed and you will see some shift in the image as the modal opens, but if that’s the case it’s only slight.

I’ve now updated Layout 1 to use a background image: https://www.uikitter.com/demos/modalmenu/

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Great…look forward to purchasing!