Sanity check - PDF embed

Please may I ask for a sanity check? I have updated an embedded pdf using Joe’s excellent ‘PDF embed’ stack. It was working fine, now it is seemingly impossible for me to get it to show. The link has been eddlessly checked and re-pasted, I have even opened and resaved the pdf in acrobat pro to check the pdf.

Embed page is here: The Watcher by BWWC

The PDW was in resources, but not working, now here:

No updates are available for the stack.

If anyone can point out my error / idiot mistake(?) I would be grateful, or indeed if the pdf shows for you, please let me know.


Hi, Nick,

The first link shows Joe’s PDF Embed stack and it does not display the embedded PDF. The second link shows S4S Embed stack and it works properly.

I’ve had exactly same problem few months ago. In my case, PDF files were stored within Sitelok’s Linklok system. That meant that the PDF’s URL was encoded into a PHP function. Joe’s stack does not support this kind of URL, but Will’s stack does. So, I just switched to Will’s ‘Embed’ and the problem is gone. Joe showed a brief interest in the issue at that time, but after few months there is no news.

I don’t know if your case also involves Linklok – I’m just describing a case with identical symptoms.

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Thank you Rob! So pleased it was not just me.

I have downloaded Will’s embed stack and it has got me out of the hole - I’ll follow this up with Joe Workman 's support team as PDF Embed is great when it works, insanely frustrating when it doesn’t.

I have now created a duplicate page to show the PDF Embed issue

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Yeah, I also created a demo page for Joe at that time. Like I said, he looked it up and asked about how I set the URL. Adrian from Vibralogix offered his help, but nothing came out of the whole story. Joe is busy with bigger things nowadays.

I do feel for Joe, he is a nice guy, but he has a lot on his plate and a family too. It is frustrating for us though _ have wasted the best part of 2 hours on this.

I have sent a formal support request to Weaverspace, but deeply thankful for your mention of Will’s stack. I did originally use Scribe / Coder, but it never looked as good.

Whenever someone has an issue with PDF Embed, it’s almost always because of this…

Your site has this issue as well.


Your issue was quite different. It’s a conflict between LinkLok and how my PDF viewer expects files to be served. Not every bug is as simple to fix as you might think. I do still have this one on my list.

Bless you for the quick response - I took your tag out as I thought you were overworked. Solution appreciated, will resolve.

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Thank you, Joe, for a glimmer of hope…