Scribe, insert a class in markdown

I use Scribe (BWD) and I can’t help but use it… I would feel lost without this wonderful STACK.

Wanting to insert a class to a text or link, to highlight it with a class or play with it with an svg, would there be a way to do it?
I don’t want to use HTML, it would be great to do it directly from Scribe.
Would it be possible?
Or… I don’t want to make Andrew work (a little update 🥹)

This is an example of how I would need it:
from this:

Learn more about [Markdown Syntax](

I would like to do this:

Learn more about <a href="" class="svgclasse">
<span>Markdown Syntax</span><svg viewBox="0 0 13 20"><polyline points="0.5 19.5 3 19.5 12.5 10 3 0.5" /></svg>


Instead of inserting the class in the <a> tag, try it in the<span> tag:

<span class="svgclasse">Markdown Syntax</span>

Thanks Marten,
this works perfectly to insert a class,
but my problem is the positioning of the svg, because inserting it like this, then I have to recompile and readjust the css, because everything is moved
in the example:

Learn more about <a href="" class="svgclasse">
<span>Markdown Syntax</span><svg viewBox="0 0 13 20"><polyline points="0.5 19.5 3 19.5 12.5 10 3 0.5" /></svg>
<span class="svgclasse">[Markdown Syntax](<svg viewBox="0 0 13 20"><polyline points="0.5 19.5 3 19.5 12.5 10 3 0.5" /></svg></span>

I should readjust all the css, for example the underline created with background-image is not visible.
I would like the css to remain the same.

I’m not entirely clear of the problem but my initial thoughts are:

  1. I’m confused about not wanting to insert HTML into Scribe but then all the examples are HTML? Am I missing something?
  2. In terms of class naming and the hierarchy concerning the SVG; why not just give the scribe stack a custom class and then target all links in that stack (assuming you want a consistent effect on all links)
    .myScribe a>svg{your css}

thanks, that’s perfect, I hadn’t thought of that…

If it might be useful to someone, you can also wrap the element with a class.

<div class="tomato" markdown="1"> 

## Scribe 
### The flexible [Linked Text](https://) text stack.


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