Search for information about the Ecwid stacks

I need to integrate a store for a client and want to investigate using Ecwid at the RW end. I searched for information on the Axyn Ecwid stacks but could only find a demo page which looked very similar to the standard Ecwid demo page so I couldn’t figure out exactly what the stacks do.

Where can I find this information?

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I just chuck the code widgets in an html stack, they are very versatile.


That’s good to know. I have not looked closely at Ecwid yet.

Hello @Webdeersign, @Scott_Williams

Sorry, for some reason, I did not get notified about your initial question.
My Ecwid Stacks go way beyond what the standard widgets can do, and you can highly customize the look of your store right from Rapidweaver.

I’m launching the official release of my stacks this week. I was working on more refinements and more detail information about the stacks.

You can now find more information about the Ecwid stacks on our website:

I hope that this helps. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.



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Hi can any of the stacks control where the ‘customer login’ is positioned, like the ‘cart’.

Hi there,

Currently the login icon can only be placed above or below the store, in the same line as the “favorites” “tracking orders” etc.

Let me if I can answer any other questions.

