I’m looking for a script to manage image upload with auto manipulation, in particular reducing the size to within max dimensions and quality to below a max size.
In the absolute perfect world, I would install just one instance of the script to my server, and be able to set up users (clients). They would then upload images to pre-defined folders, which @Jannis Gallery 3 would then pick up and display.
If the ideal world isn’t doable, I’m happy to install a unique version of the script into each clients domain.
I don’t need gallery features, just upload and manipulation.
Does anyone know of anything out there? I’ve checked the usual sources, and while there are lots, I’d like if poss to get some real world user suggestions.
Thanks, but I should add to the list of requirement…
Preferably not open source: I’d rather pay for something than use OS apps, as in my head, paid for apps are less likely to get hacked (this may be nonsense!).
Easy to install and get up and running. I am sure i did once try to get ImageMagick working once, many years ago mind, but after days at it failed miserably.
Not all open source software is rubbish - many things you pay for will use open source libs like imageMagik behind the scenes - that is one of the “industry standard” image manipulation libs.
Last time I looked UIKit, Bootstrap and Foundation were all open source and this will likely go on a website made using them so I don’t follow that logic.
I’m not saying Open source is rubbish, and you know what I mean. And I didn’t say my head was logical. You know full well it’s a fucking mess in there.
If you wrap ImageMagick in a nice simple script that makes it easy to install and set up, I’ll happily pay you a tenner. Or maybe even $11, if it’s really good.
Oh yea, totally clear and obvious to me now. Can’t believe I didn’t realise how easy it was before!
(Can you smell the sarcasm?)
I will repeat the thing I most often say to you: Your brain is weird, it understands lots of weird shit that normal people can’t. Mine on the other-hand is normal. (ish).
Not really, but then I guess it depends on what you (and I) mean by “scripts”.
I mean something like the stuff that the likes of PHP Jabbers makes, that I buy, then install on my server, that gives a nice interface that the client uses to upload images, etc.
I’m not meaning a bit of code that can be added to a webpage made in RW. I’m not seeing something like what I want to be having anything to do with RW, other than using the G3 stack to pull in and display the manipulated images.
What you want to do not that involved - why not just get some poor sod on Fiverr to do it for next to nothing. That would be the most economical way I would think unless there are any really skint stacks developers :)
Getting someone on fivver to do it is fine, until they hit puberty and discover girls/boys, then when I get a problem with the script they are nowhere to be seen.
I’d sooner something established, with a user base, that has already done the beta testing.
For TCMS to be cost effective for me to use for this I’d need to be able to install once instance (one licence) of it on a site and setup a client area for each client. They would need to be able to log in and upload images to a pre-defined set of folders, the contents of which would then be displayed in their site using Gallery 3. The client would also need to have the ability to remove images from their gallery folders. They won’t be allowed to either create or remove folders.
Adding an instance to each client site and so adding the cost of a licence to each client for TCMS wouldn’t be cost effective for just image management.