Hello, I would like some help to understand if this situation is feasible.
Joe released an update for Raincheck where he added the ability to load on demand (by clicking on the button with the same class as Raincheck click added) a Raincheck content.
I don’t have F6 (where the working demo of this situation is contained), but thanks to @Konfuzzious Erwin who sent me this link:
you can see it working.
I use Raincheck in Source sites for its other functions, but I also tried this new update by inserting the same Raincheck class on a Source button, but it doesn’t work.
Can you take a look at this link where Raincheck content is loaded on click of an F6 button, to see if it is possible to load it with a Source button via the same class?
Yes, the class in this case is raincheck-load,
however the class must be the same in both the button and the Raincheck click.
But in a Source button inserting in extra CSS classes doesn’t work.
Perhaps in the Custom Attribute of the source button you need to enter a name(?) and the value of the class(raincheck-load) ?
the documentation just says to put the same class as Raincheck Click in the button.
I think it only works with F6 at this point, otherwise it doesn’t explain itself
Source doesn’t include anything you might not need by default. If you want / need to use jQuery then you can add this stack. Note: Most third party stacks that need jQuery will generally load this themselves anyway.
Also not sure what you are trying to achieve overall exactly, but you can show and hide things with whats built into Source. Eg create a 1 item grid in a grid plus, and then use the category feature to show/hide the image.
Raincheck works with F6 just by providing a class. I think for it to work with other stacks, these stacks should have the same mechanism, don’t they? Stuart has been tagged. Hopefully he can shed some light on this?
Or maybe @joeworkman ?
I don’t know anything about Raincheck but i would have thought that entering the class name in either the Stack’s CSS box or the custom attribute box would be fine (if the name matches with your Raincheck name). If you can publish a page where it doesn’t work with the Source button then it might be easier to troubleshoot.